Four New MA.R.CH. Pilots!

Four new MA.R.CH. Pilots took place in Bulgaria!

In the period 30 May – 04 June 2016 70 Students took part in “The World of Galaxies Online Lesson”, a pilot event using the MA.R.CH. practice “Using ICT in School” in the First English Language High School in Sofia.

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On the 20th of June 2016 46 Students from  the First English Language High School in Sofia. took part in “VISITING A RESEARCH ORGANIZATION: SOFIA OBSERVATORY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY, FACULTY OF PHYSICS, UNIVERSITY OF SOFIA”, a pilot event using the MA.R.CH. practice “VISITING A RESEARCH ORGANIZATION”.

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On the 14th of June 2016 11 Students from  Eight Gigh School in Sofia. took part in “Visit the Astronomers!”, a pilot event using the MA.R.CH. practice “VISITING A RESEARCH ORGANIZATION”.

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In the period  22 – 24 April 2016 120 Students took from the Zemedelska profesionalna gimaziya “Kliment
Timiriyazev” in city of Sandansky part in “Inter-school competition “The Earth – known and
unknown””, a pilot event using the MA.R.CH. practice “Science Day”

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sm-eu_logoMARCH (MAking science Real in SCHools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Forum Democrit will help raise Space Awareness in Bulgaria!


Forum Democrit will help with the distribution of information of the activities of EU Space Awareness project ( The international project is targeting children and teenagers all over Europe providing them with information on space-related subjects. The Dissemination Node for Bulgaria is coordinated by the Municipal center for extracurricular activities – Baykal. Forum Democrit will help with its network to suppoert and further increase the impact of the Project.

EU Space Awareness is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Program under grant agreement number 638653.
