“The Long Way to the Stars” Successfull Premiere at the Sofia Science Festival 2018 gathered 380 people!!

“THE LONG WAY TO THE STARS” Premiere at the Sofia Science Festival 2018 gathered more than 380 people. Many thanks to the audience, to our partners from British Council and to the National Culture Fund!

The “Long Way to the Stars” is co-produced by Forum Democrit, JPT and Arte Urbana Collectif, with the financial support of the Cultural Programme of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2018 at National Culture Fund.

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With Dr. Vladimir Bozhilov & Dimitar Uzunov
Directed by Andrea Brunello
Written by Dr. Vladimir Bozhilov, Dimitar Uzunov, Andrea Brunello
Video Nikola Nalbantov
Music and sound Alexei Nikolov
Visual identity Elena Gamalova
Voice off Timothy Lone
Assistant Alexandrina Djassem

Learn more about our projects:
Jet Propulsion Theatre: www.jetpropulsiontheatre.org
Arte Urbana Collectif: www.arteurbanacollectif.com
Forum Democrit: www.democrit.com

Learn Astronomy and Astrophysics in Bulgaria:

Photos from the Premiere (Photographer: Iliya Stoimenov):

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Premiere of “Tbe Long Way to the Stars” Project at Sofia Science Festival 2018!


“THE LONG WAY TO THE STARS” (performance at Sofia Science Festival 2018)
Sunday 13 May 2018 – 11:00 to 12:00
Location: Mtel Arena at “John Atanassoff” building, Sofia Tech Park
General audience
Free entrance

„The Long Way to the Stars“ is an interactive Augmented Lecture performance that introduces us to the latest scientific theories about the origin of the Solar System and life in general. This original performance will travel deep into the scientific background and philosophical questions that arise in the world of astrobiology – a modern discipline that connects astrophysics, biology, chemistry, geology and philosophy. Current astrobiological research is aimed at the search for habitable exoplanets in deep space. Could we find a second Earth out there, or may be the meaning of life itself? Enjoy the interactive search for answers in „The Long Way to the Stars“! The performance during the Sofia Science Festival 2018 will be the official premiere of the show.

The brave team behind the project – Andrea Brunello, Director and Playwright of Jet Propulsion Theatre (www.jetpropulsiontheatre.org), Italy, Dr. Vladimir Bozhilov from the Department of Astronomy at the Faculty of Physics at Sofia University and Dimitar Uzunov, Director and Actor at Famille Mundi, Paris (www.famillemundi.com), and at Arte Urbana Collectif (www.arteurbanacollectif.com), Sofia – brings theatre and science together.

The event will be in English without translation.

Director: Andrea Brunello
Text: Dr. Vladimir Bozhilov, Dimitar Uzunov, Andrea Brunello
Performers: Dr. Vladimir Bozhilov & Dimitar Uzunov
Video: Nikola Nalbantov
Music and sound: Alexei Nikolov
Visual identity: Elena Gamalova
Voice off: Timothy Lone
Assistant: Alexandrina Djassem

Co-produced by Forum Democrit, JPT and Arte Urbana Collectif, with the financial support of the Cultural Programme of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2018 at National Culture Fund.

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Reserve your free pass for the show here:

13 май 2018, неделя –
11:00 до 12:00
Локация: зала Мтел Арена в сграда “Джон Атанасов” на София Тех Парк
Обща публика
Вход с безплатни пропуски

Запознайте се по един нестандартен начин със света на астробиологията и търсенето на втори дом за човечеството в далечния Космос. От тази интерактивна пърформанс-лекция ще разберете за някои от най-новите научни теории за произхода на Слънчевата система и живота като цяло. Смелият авторски екип обединява театъра с науката – Андреа Брунело, режисьор и драматург в “Jet Propulsion Theatre” (www.jetpropulsiontheatre.org), Италия, д-р Владимир Божилов, преподавател във Физическия факултет на СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”, Димитър Узунов, режисьор и актьор във “Famille Mundi”, Париж (www.famillemundi.com), и “Арте Урбана Колектив”, София (arteurbanacollectif.com).

На английски език без превод на български.

Екипът реализирал “ДЪЛГИЯТ ПЪТ КЪМ ЗВЕЗДИТЕ”:
Режисьор: Андреа Брунело
Текст: Д-р Владимир Божилов, Димитър Узунов, Андреа Брунело
Участници: Д-р Владимир Божилов и Димитър Узунов
Видео: Никола Налбантов
Музика и звук: Алексей Николов
Визуална идентичност: Елена Гамалова
Глас: Тимъти Лоун
Асистент: Александрина Джасем

Проектът се реализира от Форум “Демокрит”, “Jet Propulsion Theatre” и “Арте Урбана Колектив” с финансовата подкрепата на “Културната програма за Българското председателство на Съвета на Европейския съюз 2018 г.” на Национален фонд “Култура”.
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Резервирайте вашия безплатен пропуск тук: https://www.britishcouncil.bg/sofia-science-festival/programme/events/2018/long-way-stars